If you feel like your problems are not being resolved and your wounds are not healing, you may struggle a lot with the little things. Small habits that bother you, small inconveniences that make you feel dissatisfied. Are you challenged by a depression, an anxiety disorder, a trauma, your resilience? Whatever bothers you, it affects your overall feeling.

Holistic life
''Everything is part of a larger whole''

My story
Once, I was at that same place. As a kid, I didn’t know how to work with my emotions. I felt pressure from life all the time. I felt different and got angry, because nobody taught me how to be peaceful.
​Throughout my journey I’ve learned how to unconditionally love myself.
I have learned how to free myself from all the beliefs that were imprinted by myself or my surroundings and to live abundantly. And I knew, from the moment I was free, this is the best feeling I can ever have. How did I ever live in that dream? How did I never see what would be behind the clouds? Now, as a holistic life coach, I am guiding you through that same journey.
Experiencing change
While guiding you on your journey, we look at the connections of your body and mind: whether physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically or spiritually we look at you as a whole. To fix your problems, we will first undo all inconveniences. We will work on the following:
- Change of mind and state of mind
- Create transformation and breakthroughs
- Clearing emotional blockages
- Finding harmony between body and mind
- Get more out of the head and more into the body
- Overcoming fears and dealing with trauma
- Heal illnesses, injuries and other discomforts

Our journey's
Plan a introductory meeting
Want to know if I am the right person to guide you? I would love to speak to you and discover if we connect.